Jennifer loves to make all kinds of goodies, specifically pies, cookies, and kettle-corn. Those are kind of her specialties. She is pictured here with a delicious lemon-meringue (?) pie that she made for a ward auction. I didn't taste it, but I know it was delicious.
Soon after we got married, I noticed the trend that was forming of her always wanting to make 'goodies'. I told her that she couldn't just "make cookies all the time and let me eat them whenever I wanted". It wasn't good for my 'figure'. =) Over the last year, I have come to see and know the flaw of taking such a direct and strong stand on something that she was passionate about. Shame on me for telling her she couldn't "make me cookies" or "have pies around all the time for me to eat." How truly selfish I was. With that being said, I've since changed my stance and now look forward to having cookies around "all the time" no matter the consequence to my figure or my teeth. I've now come to enjoy it so much so, that often I'll wake up on Sunday mornings and ask her if we have all the ingredients to make cookies to A) eat and B) share with home teachings and visiting teaching families. Once the cookies are made, she has come to realize quite quickly that she has to show me which of the dough is to eat and which is to be saved. =) I like cookie dough. Yum.
So Jennifer, here's-to many years of cookies and pies and goodies. I sure am looking forward to the Holidays this year just for that reason. Tis-the-season!