
What a summer: Family Home Evening (part 2)

We love to have family home evening. There are just two of us, so we can do whatever we want. =) This makes is pretty easy. A couple weeks ago we decided to go for frozen yogurt at one of our favorite local shops. We then took a quick drive out to the country to enjoy the warm evening. After the yogurt was all gone we took some fun pictures and almost got ran-over. I'm glad I didn't.

The next week we decided to go for a walk near the vineyards. One of Livermore's great beauties are the surrounding wine vineyards.

My sister, who lives in San Jose, says that people in 'the city' refer to Livermore as 'the sticks'. =) But we like it. Its quiet. Its cozy. Also, we love our ward. Great leaders and great people. Most of the ward actually lives within walking distance. If the time ever comes to leave this place, we will truly miss it.

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